The Toyo-View D45M is an early, large format rail camera produced by Toyo. This model is an improvement over the slightly earlier D45A model. In general, the camera is quite versatile and makes both an excellent large format studio camera or a great camera for architectural work. It features the full range of movements (rise, tilt, swing, and shift) on both the front and rear standards. Additionally, the D45M has a rotating back, rack-and-pinion shift control, a main rail that could have additional sections attached, and a removable bellows.
Donald Matthews with his Toyo-View 4x5
Here is a self portrait made by Donald Matthews with his Toyo-View 4x5. We love this photo because Donald has been a regular mail-in customer
of ours for years now, and it has been so nice to watch his
photographic style grow and evolve. ⠀
This self-portrait was a one second exposure - impressive!
"The Don" sent us this photo in response to a call we made to our customers,
asking for them to share out their favorite self portraits. We wanted
to share these photos as a way to spotlight the connection between the
photographer and their camera. Fostering this connection is one of the
most important aspects of what we do. It's not just about the camera
and it's not just about the photographer. It's a union between the two
that makes our photographs what they are. Capturing an image of you and
your camera, with your camera, is a great way to encompass the
connection that means so much to each of us.