While our shop is located in beautiful Portland, OR, we process, print, and scan film sent to us from all over the world! You certainly don't have to be local to access our many services.
You can go through a step by step process here to complete your order online and then mail us your film along with your order number. You can tuck your film in a box with your contact info and wait for us to call you to complete your order when the film arrives at our shop. You've got options here!
Check out the answers below to our most asked questions about how to send us your film!
Nope! While you definitely can place a web order for processing here, you can also send us your film with a detailed note about what services you would like for your film. Here is a list of our lab services and FAQ. You can also use this printable order form if you'd like.
No problem! In the Special Instructions section on the Send Us Your Film page, you can write "Contact with results. Might want prints or scans".
Next, be sure to choose "No Cut" in the Film Finishing section. When you choose "No Cut," we are able to print and scan your film at our "At Time of Development" cost, rather than our re-print or re-scan price. Once your film has been cut, it's more labor intensive for our technicians to work with the negatives and therefore is priced higher.
Once your film has been developed, we'll either send over an email or give you a call with the results.
Send us an email, give us a call, or reach out on social media! We can be reached at sales@bluemooncamera.com, by phone at (503) 978-0333, on Instagram (@bluemooncamera), or on Discord. We're happy to help you determine the best processing option for your film before you place a web order.
If you're not totally sure about the processing options, please be sure to reach out to us before placing your processing order! It's much easier for us to assist before the web order is placed. Otherwise, we'll have to re-write your order once your film arrives.
The shipping you pay for on your order is to return your film to you! Once we wrap up your order, we'll get your film (and prints if you ordered them) packed up and ready to send back to you. We're pretty attached to returning your negatives to you — that way, you'll always have a record of your film and the ability to print or scan from the negatives (or positives).
If you send film holders or large bags that need to be returned, an additional shipping charge might need to be added to cover the extra shipping weight.
You can pack up your film securely and mail it to us using any service you would like to our main address:
Blue Moon Camera and Machine
8417 North Lombard Street
Portland, OR 97203
Be sure to include your invoice number or notes about your requested services, as well as your preferred payment method (PayPal or credit card) and contact information: email, phone number, and return mailing address.