
Canon EOS Rebel G / New EOS Kiss / EOS500N

Equal parts loved and overlooked, the Canon EOS Rebel film cameras fill an important niche in the 35mm SLR world. While some people look at the Rebel film cameras and see a plastic, consumer-grade, overly electronic, mass-produced camera with all the pizzazz of a tan Velcro shoe, looking beneath it finds a very capable camera that has some surprising abilities.

Produced from 1996 until 1999 when it was replaced by the Rebel 2000, the Canon EOS Rebel G (aka the New EOS Kiss in Japan and the EOS500N in Europe) is a lightweight, very plastic 35mm SLR camera that has a surprising array of useful features and capabilities packed into it. For example, the Rebel G makes use of the Canon EF lens mount, meaning you can swap lenses from your professional Canon DSLR to your Rebel G quite easily.  This compatibility has led many a digital photographer to call the Rebel G their "gateway camera" to the world of film.  Additionally the Rebel G has some other helpful features such as multiple exposures, a depth of field mode to insure the important parts of your image are in focus, full manual or automatic exposure and auto exposure bracketing.

So take a fresh look at the Canon EOS Rebel G. You probably won't be writing home about finding the camera, but the images from it will leave you pleased.

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