
Yashica 44 LM

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Yashica 44 LM Out for a Fall Walk

We had one of these plucky little Yashica 44 LM cameras come into our shop during the autumn months.  One of our staff, Gabriel, loves all things 127 TLR so he promptly volunteered to take this one out for some field testing.  One nice change (to go along with the leaves on the trees) is the relative abundance of 127 film we have had in stock.  Thanks to the efforts of Film For Classics we now have four different 127 film stocks - two B&W and two color - to complement those available emulsions from Rera Pan.  The light may be waning, but not your options as a 127 user.

Postscript - This Yashica 44 LM never made it beyond the testing stages.  Its automatic frame counter refused to index properly when loading and the light meter did not work anymore (no surprise there given the camera's age).  It also turned out to be front focusing a bit.  This all added up to a few too many issues to make the camera salable and sadly their retail value doesn't justify the cost of repairs.  Having said that, they are a very repairable camera and if you get one on a good deal they are well worth fixing up to usable status.

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