
Fomapan 100 - 35mm

Fomapan 100 is the slowest ISO available within the Fomapan family of films.  Manufactured in the Czech Republic by Foma Bohemia, Fomapan 100 is a panchromatic black and white negative film.  It features a cubic grain structure that gives it a very classic look and feel.  The film also has interesting latitude and tonality, tending to crunch shadows but preserve highlights.  The 35mm format of Fomapan 100 is on a triacetate film base, further cementing the film's traditional look. 

Perhaps the film's most popular feature is its low price, making it especially attractive to students or photographers on a limited budget.  Fomapan films are some of the lowest priced black and white films on the market.  But don't let that bargain price fool you into thinking this film can't make noteworthy images.  It most certainly can and will, while providing its own unique, aesthetic flair.

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