
Foma Retropan 320 Soft - 120

Foma's Retropan 320 Soft film is a 320 ISO panchromatic black and white negative film.  The film is noted for having a classic look with wide latitude. It is similar to other Fomapan films in that it has a classic cubic grain structure and average contrast with excellent tonality.  Like other Fomapan films, Retropan has a spectral sensitivity chart that shows it having slightly increased sensitivity at the red end of the spectrum, which allows it to give creamier skin tones when used in portraiture.  It also helps give Retropan Soft a mildly unique look in terms of its tonal reproduction.  In many ways we feel like this film is a cross between Fomapan and Bergger Pancro.  If you like either of those lines of film then you should give Retropan Soft a shot.

It is noted that this film is meant to be paired with the Foma Retro Special developer to bring out all of its unique characteristics but we have had great results processing in standard film developers.

It is produced in the Czech Republic by Foma.

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