Before and After with the Reality So Subtle 6x6 and Lomochrome Turquoise
A Reality So Subtle 6x6 in Forest Park
Reality So Subtle 6x6 at Cape Flattery
Reality So Subtle 6x6 Dual Pinhole with Manfrotto 055 Tripod
The Fremont Troll, as Seen by the Reality So Subtle 6x6 Dual Pinhole
Reality So Subtle 6x6 Dual Pinhole
Reality So Subtle 6x6 Dual Pinhole in the New York Public Library
Reality So Subtle 6x6 Dual Pinhole
Reality So Subtle 6x6 on Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day
Reality So Subtle 6x6 Dual Pinhole At Play
Reality So Subtle 6x6 Dual Pinhole
Reality So Subtle 6x6 Dual Pinhole Goes Coastal
There are few better places to take a pinhole camera than to the beach. Their natural aptitude for long exposure work makes them perfect for the never-ceasing ocean. In addition, the soft nature of a pinhole camera to render painterly images finds its perfect home along the picturesque edge of the sea as well. This Reality So Subtle 6x6 Dual Pinhole camera was loaded with Lomography Color 100 film when it made its trip to the edge of our continent.