Introduced by Lomography in 2012, Lomo Orca helped resurrect the 110 film format after the last 110 films had been discontinued in 2009. Orca is a panchromatic, ISO 100, "true" b& film (as opposed to chromogenic b&w films). It features fine grain, relatively good sharpness, and nice tonality. The relatively slow ISO 100 speed means that it will be a bit limited in many 110 cameras that themselves feature fairly slow lenses, but used properly - as in bulb mode or with flash - Orca can produce great images. All in all, it makes a great b&w option for 110 photographers.
Lomo Orca 110 Sample Gallery - Pentax Auto 110
Sample images made on Lomo Orca 110 B&W film with a Pentax Auto 110 camera by staff member Jackson Keller.