The Stereo Realist, made by the David White Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is probably the most popular stereo camera ever made by a company you have never heard of. The Stereo Realist is one of the best 35mm stereo cameras for both the beginning and veteran stereo photographers. They are well built, easy to use, and easy to find. They tend to sell at very affordable prices and they produce images of solid quality. The Stereo Realist is often credited for kicking off the stereo generation of the 1950s, with companies such as Kodak quickly following with stereo cameras of their own.
The standard model of the Stereo Realist features two 35mm f/3.5 lenses paired at a distance just slightly greater than human eyes. This favors subjects of closer distances, between seven and twenty feet. A later model of the Realist, called the Realist 2.8, has improved lenses with a maximum aperture of f/2.8. The shutter control is manual on this camera.
The Stereo Realist Viewer
The Stereo Realist Viewer is a "carefully designed and precisely made stereoscope", at least according to the original manual that came with the viewer. In truth, the mechanics behind the magic of these viewers is pretty simple. The viewer itself allowed stereo aficionados to insert their mounted stereo slide pairs and view them in full 3D glory. While some viewers used a translucent, frosted panel for backlighting the slides, the Stereo Realist Viewer used two D cell batteries to power a small bulb inside the viewer that lit the slide pairs up. Handy enough, this viewer also allowed focus and interocular (eye separation) to be adjusted for the best possible viewing.