The classic Holga toy, medium format camera. Originally designed by T.M. Lee in 1982, the camera was meant to be an inexpensive, mass-produced, medium format camera for all. With plastic optics, the Holga has a charm all its own: a pronounced vignetting around images, serendipitous light leaks, and endless exposure opportunities. This camera has limited exposure controls; essentially only one shutter speed (plus a bulb mode) and one or
two aperture settings (depending on the version of 120N you get). In 2015, Tokina ceased production of this iconic camera and, just two years later, the folks at Freestyle Photographic Supplies tracked down the original molds and began Holga production once again. With thanks to Lomography, who had revitalized the toy camera movement, and Freestyle for production, this cult classic is still distributed widely in North America. The Holga features a hotshoe and comes with dual masks for photographing either in 6x4.5cm or 6x6cm formats.
The Holga and the Beach
There are a lot of reasons I enjoy using my Holga cameras. But on this particular day I had mine on a trip to the Washington coast and there were specific elements I was appreciating about it. The first is that the camera is so lightweight (it is all plastic after all) and compact. I was able to keep it in the pocket of my coat as opposed to my camera backpack, so access to it was prompt and easy. The second was its simple nature. This stretch of coast is one of my favorites, and it is so beautiful. It was nice having the Holga, which required fairly little of my attention. There are no knobs and settings to fiddle with. It is for all intents and purposes a point and shoot camera. The process of using it takes less than five seconds as you bring it up to your eye, frame and fire. This meant the camera was not distracting me from the gorgeous scenery. Something like 99% of my attention was focused on the beachscape instead of the camera in my hand. I am sensitive to this. There are times I can feel like I am paying too much attention to my cameras, stuck behind them while I obsess over how to make a photo and neglecting just enjoying the beauty of the world that brought me to this spot. I would rather invest in the experience, than the photos I bring home. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy making photos of these places and enjoy revisiting those photos later, but I try to keep in mind that the real reason I am out there is to enjoy being out there. The Holga enables this quite nicely but not asking much of my attention.
I think Holga cameras routinely get underrated. Every time I take mine out I am reminded of this. And so I wanted to share this quartet of images made with my Holga 120N and Lomography Color 100 film.