An updated version of the popular Canon AE-1, the AE-1 Program added a 'program exposure' mode to the previous camera's array of features. It was introduced in 1981, five years after the launch of the AE-1. In addition to program exposure, the AE-1 Program can also be used in shutter-priority or full manual modes.
Canon 20mm f2.8 FD SSC Lens on Canon AE-1 Program Camera - TTV
Here is a through-the-viewfinder view of the Canon 20mm f2.8 FD SSC mounted to a Canon AE-1 Program. This lens is very well suited to interior and architectural photography, as seen in this view of our lovely storefront.
Canon 20mm f2.8 FD SSC Lens on Canon AE-1 Program Camera
Canon's 20mm f2.8 FD SSC lens was the fastest ultrawide lens in the world when it was introduced in 1976. Featuring a complex 10 element / 9 group construction but weighing only 345 grams, the 20mm f2.8 FD SSC provides expansive imaging capability in a compact package.
The Canon 20mm f2.8 FD SSC is a rectilinear lens, meaning that it does not produce "fisheye" distortion. It is perfectly suited for architectural, landscape, and interior photography.
Jackson's Canon AE-1 Program with Pentax Auto 110 Lens
We enjoy introducing our staff via the cameras they like using. This Canon AE-1 Program belongs to staff member, Jackson Keller. He has modified his Pentax 110 lenses to mount to this body. It was a pretty simple, but ingenious, modification; Jackson simply attached the lenses to a Canon FD body cap and voila! Because the film-to-lens distance is greater in this configuration, the Pentax 110 lenses are not able to focus at infinity, but they do become wonderful, little macro lenses and they surprisingly cover the entire 35mm negative.
Jackson and his Canon AE-1 Program
Like many of those who become staff at Blue Moon Camera, Jackson was first a customer of ours. At first he was bringing us the 110 film he had been exposing. But Jackson really got our attention when he started bringing in his Canon AE-1 Program with the lenses for his Pentax 110 adapted to it. He did this by modifying an FD body cap to hold the Pentax lenses from his 110 camera.⠀
Since joining our staff in the summer of 2018, Jackson has settled into a role working with Calvin, our C-41 machine. Jackson has quietly and quite competently learned the art and science of running that machine and making sure that the film that goes through it is developed as perfectly as possible. ⠀
Arthur and his Canon AE-1 Program
In the run up to our Staff Show opening on July 15th of 2017, we featured portraits of our various staff, along with the tools of their trade. With some employees, you have to twist their arms to get them to come to work, but in the case of Arthur, we sometimes have to twist his arm just to get him to go home. Arthur enjoys a seemingly bottomless reservoir of photographic passion, enthusiasm and interest. He isn't sure how many cameras he owns at this point, but he is confident that it isn't (yet) in the triple digits. Here he is with his Canon AE-1 Program.