
Holga 120FN

It's a question we field on a pretty regular basis here at Blue Moon Camera: "I'd like to get started in medium format photography. What camera do you recommend?"  We're hard-pressed to come up with a better answer than the Holga 120 cameras.  A list of adjectives would be long and also insufficient to do the humble Holga justice.  It's light, easy to use, and attracts attention whenever it's out in public.

Any list of quirks could just as easily be a list of its strengths. Its 60mm f/8 lens results in vignetting on a 6x6 negative.  The plastic lens produces a softer image than glass.  The focus in adjustable, but still results in more of an educated guess than anything else.  Other than "Bulb", you have one shutter speed, which is 1/60th...ish.  Each of these cameras will have its own little issues and you'll learn them and love them as you and your Holga become better acquainted with each other.

Now that you're set on jumping into the Holga world, why not try one with a flash? that's where the Holga 120FN comes in.  It has all of the attributes/issues of the other Holga 120N cameras and comes with a clear flash built-into the camera's body.  Now you and your Holga are free to shoot anytime of day or night.  Is your Holga a fashion accessory? Sure!  Take it dancing and fire away in the club with the flash on!  Can your Holga be used at the beach?  Absolutely!  Quick shots of your sandcastle or your friend playing guitar around the campfire are no problem the Holga.

After the first couple of rolls you see from your new friend, you'll quickly find that far from being a toy, your new Holga is a go-anywhere, shoot-anything camera. 


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