Built between 1974-1980, the Rollei 35S was an upgraded version of the original Rollei 35. The 35S version keeps all the same functions as the original, but it replaced the 40mm f/3.5 Tessar lens with a 40mm f/2.8 Sonnar lens. It is the Sonnar lens that gives the 35S the "S" in its name. Likewise, the original Rollei 35 was renamed the 35T, denoting its Tessar lens.
Apart from the new lens, the 35S functions identically to that earlier camera with full manual, mechanical shutter and aperture control, manual focus, that requires reading the distance scale on the lens for gauging where to focus, and a coupled CdS light meter with readout atop the camera.
The Comfortable Feeling of a Rollei 35S
Is there anything better than the comfortable feeling of a camera fitting into your life as effortlessly it nestles into the palm of your hand? There is a blissful feeling of filling that camera-shaped-hole in your life with just the right one.
Well, this Rollei 35S certainly doesn't need much room made for it.
These cameras pass through regularly, but this one was particularly nice; like listening-to-Francois-Hardy-and-enjoying-an-elegant-breakfast kind of nice.
Most details of this camera are similar to other Rollei 35's: the covert and retractable lens, the flat dials, the hot shoe (that lives on the bottom), and the working light meter atop the camera. Yes, you did read that correctly, the light meter is delightfully functional (which is less common than is preferred these days).
There are other models of the Rollei 35, but we like to think that the 35S is a little nicer than its predecessors. This version was made in Singapore and sports the sleek f/2.8 Sonnar lens produced by Zeiss, which is what gives this camera the "S" in its name.